Mail Boxes & Mail Collection Registration
Here in Spain a common problem is having goods delivered to you. Couriers require you to be at home when they deliver, not always easy for working people. Couriers are reluctant to visit out of the way addresses and the postal service may be not as reliable as you expect. Some UK suppliers will only deliver within the UK and some in other countries will not deliver to Spain.
The answer is to register at Eportbic Central Collection Point from which you pick up post and parcels.
We supply you with an address in Gatwick from which your post and parcels will be delivered directly to us. Other post and parcels can be mailed or couriered to us directly.
Eportbic is already recognised as a drop off point by DHL, Offex, Fedex, UPS, SEUR, Correos and many more for all our registered customers.
Reliability and convenience costs less than you think, and you have options:
Option 1: A mailbox
Costs 10€ per month or 100€ per year. All mail and parcels can be sent directly to your mailbox. You pay nothing further unless you require email or telephone notification of arriving mail in which case a 1 Euro per call charge is made. Mail or parcels arriving via our Gatwick address incur an extra charge depending on size and weight.
Option 2: Post and Parcel Collection
Registration is free. You pay just 2 Euros per item that arrives at the collection point by courier or mail. A 1 Euro charge is made if you would like us to notify you via email or telephone call. Mail or parcels arriving via our Gatwick address incur an extra charge depending on size and weight.
To register for this service, you just need to call in to fill in a form so we can add you to our postal collection customer database
Av. Luis Braille Local 18
29680, Estepona,
Malaga, Spain
Tel/Fax: +34 952 793 476
Whatsapp: +34 603 193 266
Email: [email protected]
Monday to Friday
10:00 to 19:00
Saturday - 10:00 to 14:00
Sunday - CLOSED